Google Ads Management

Google Ads management is a fantastic way to increase traffic and sales for both new and established websites. You only pay when someone clicks your ads and because we track every visit and every sale (or lead) we can easily understand how profitable your campaigns are and therefore, improve your performance.

Set up to succeed - referral Pricing
50% Discount!!
+£400 Google Ads Voucher

Every plan comes with an extensive competitor scan and full account analysis/audit.

Standard Pan

Normally £99 p/m
Billed per Month
(Cancel Anytime)

Once Every Month

1. Keyword Search Review
2. Ad Review
3. Quality Score (Keywords & Ads)
4. Bid Optimisation – Audience & Demographic Targeting
5. Conversion Action Checks
6. Location Targeting
7. Campaign Goal Settings
8. Quality Control
9. Recommendations Tab
10. Detailed Monthly Report

Pro Plan

Normally £149 p/m
Billed per Month
(Cancel Anytime)

Once Every 2 Weeks 

1. Keyword Search Review
2. Ad Review
3. Quality Score (Keywords & Ads)
4. Bid Optimisation – Audience & Demographic Targeting
5. Conversion Action Checks
6. Location Targeting
7. Campaign Goal Settings
8. Quality Control
9. Recommendations Tab
10. Detailed Monthly Report

Ultimate Plan

Normally £199 p/m
Billed per Month
(Cancel Anytime)

Once Every Week

1. Keyword Search Review
2. Ad Review
3. Quality Score (Keywords & Ads)
4. Bid Optimisation – Audience & Demographic Targeting
5. Conversion Action Checks
6. Location Targeting
7. Campaign Goal Settings
8. Quality Control
9. Recommendations Tab
10. Detailed Monthly Report

Detailed Breakdown Of Management Acivity

Click each arrow below for a detailed breakdown of each account activity carried out.

See a full breakdown of your market – Who is top dog, the most successful ads, and most importantly how to improve your results.

If you don’t know what’s going on outside the ad campaign, you certainly can’t get the best results inside the campaign.

Get a free and detailed review of your Google Ads campaign to see what’s been missed and how you can improve.

Search Term Audit (add extra negative KWs)
– add extra negative KWs to stop unrelated searches
– add extra long tail search terms

Identify keywords that are not performing well.
– Keywords with a high CPC compared to the account average
– Keywords which have a high cost per conversion compared to the account average
– Keywords with a status warning (low search volume, below first page bid, rarley shown due to low quality score)

Review match types
– Are there keywords which can be added as phrase or exact match

Auction Insights Report
– Are there new competitors or have competitors increased their spend

Keyword status
– Do any keywords have a ‘below first page bid estimate’ warning
– Do any keywords have a ‘rarely shown due to low quality score’ warning
– Do any keywords have a ‘low search volume’ warning

Review Ads by Ad Group
– Identify Ads with poor performance by conversion rate
– Identify Ads with poor performance by low quality score
– Identify Ads with poor performance by low CTR
– Review Ad Strength: Add or update until we get a Good or Excellent score
Complete Ad Copy Spilt Testing (Run Manual Tests with 2 different ads per ad group)
– Testing the best performing headlines & descriptions and the best positions for headlines & descriptions

Landing Page Review
– Are different landing pages performing better in terms of conversion rate
– check all landing pages to make sure that are URLs are working and that Google Ads is not disapproving any ads due to 404s, slow page load times etc

Ad Copy Warnings
– check all ads to make sure that google ads has not applied any limited approvals, which could be affecting the visibility of the ad.
– have any ads been disapproved. If so, make changes and re-submit ads

Ad Extensions Check & Recommendations
– sitelink extensions
– callout extensions
– structured snippet extension
– call extension
– lead form extension
– location extensions (GMB linking)
– affiliate location extensions
– price extension
– promotion extension
– image extensions

– Identify Keywords and Ads that have a low Quality score. – changes to ad copy to help with KW targeting and quality score – landing page updates to help with KW targeting – Google Analytics checks to review bounce rate and average session time

Search for possible bid optimisations to improve performance, under dimensions:

– Hour of the day / Day of the week
– Demographics by: age, gender, income, location
– Audiences
– Review new potential new audiences to add

– Are all conversion actions working – If tracking phone calls, review the call extension report

– Identity searches from non targeted location (and exclude locations)
– Review location performance and add bid optimisations (if required)

Is current campaign goal still the best option

– For CPA Goal: is this higher than the current performance. (If actual CPA is lower than CPA goal the CPA goal should be reduced)

– Has your number of conversions stalled. (if no other reason can be found test another campaign goal)

– Budget pacing checks – Payment & Account budgets
– Review system generated recommendations and implement or reject

Detailed report of the previous month’s performance.

Contact Me

My own journey started with Google Ads way back in 2010 when I started my first campaign to launch my own business. I don’t say this lightly but Google Ads has changed my life. This is because Google Ads allowed me to grow my own business and then since 2016 I’ve used Google ads to grow countless businesses for my very own clients. So, if you have any Google Ads related questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Tel: 0161 408 1416

Mobile: 07841 834 521


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